My Speaking Programs
Does your company or group need an enlightening and dynamic speaker?
Dona Caine-Francis offers speaking programs to health-related associations and businesses. Her presentations have evolved from years of practice as a Nurse Practitioner, psychotherapist, and sex therapist in providing sex therapy, anxiety therapy, individual and couples counseling, marriage counseling, and medication management. The topics listed below can be customized for your particular audience. Her hope is to challenge your audience’s thoughts and beliefs and provide them with positive approaches to well-being.
As a couple do you describe intimacy as your sexual connection? Well, intimacy is more than sex; it is communication, affection, conflict resolution, compatibility, and much more. Join Dona as she helps couples tap into intimacy from a broad perspective. Learn the differences between men and women and how to maximize the connection.
Are you looking for someone that can provide insight on the essentials for sexual health to your group? This presentation offers participants an opportunity to explore intimacy and help ensure they stay connected with their partners. The presentation is for broad audiences and can be altered to be appropriate for many types of organizations.
Nearly 55 million American women will enter their post-reproductive life cycle in the next decade. But are they prepared for these changes and comfortable entering this arena of health care needs? Pelvic health is an emerging issue for all communities and yet there is a reluctance to focus on conditions such as uterine prolapse, bladder weakness, incontinence, vaginal atrophy, and sexual pain and dysfunction. Attendees will benefit from frank discussion and options to stay informed and healthy into these challenging times.
Over time not only does the body change due to aging, hormones, stress and basic wear and tear; but the sexual spirit one begins with in those early years shifts, too. This presentation will discuss the natural changes for men and women and provide strategies for enhancing the sexual spirit.
You have heard of or experienced a mid-life crisis. Don't be a causality of this syndrome; learn how to re-kindle the romance in your relationship. Yes, men and women are 'hardwired' differently- learn what those differences are and how romance increases your success if growing old together!
Children today are exposed to a multitude of sexual images, role models, and messages. Who should be the primary sex educator for your children? This workshop helps parents be prepared to be an askable parent and look for teachable moments. If parents wait until a child is ready, give one long lecture, or expect schools to provide comprehensive education, you lose the opportunity to be the one who makes sexual education a positive experience.
Do you need to rekindle the romance in your relationship? Has the fire died? Learn various tips and techniques to reheat your relationship and bring sexy back! The presentation is for every woman who wants to glow bright, again.k for teachable moments. If parents wait until a child is ready, give one long lecture, or expect schools to provide comprehensive education, you lose the opportunity to be the one who makes sexual education a positive experience.